Giovanni Cornini

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome CHS: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

If a person experiences extreme vomiting and nausea, hospitalization that may last a few days could be necessary. If you are experiencing CHS symptoms, the best thing you can do is to stop cannabis use and seek medical care immediately. Dehydration from vomiting can be fatal, so these symptoms should be taken seriously. Ultimately though, the only clear and universally…

Giovanni Cornini

Nursing Interventions: Examples & Definitions Explained

Other environmental interventions tackle indoor oroutdoor air pollution or involve the disposal of contaminants suchas pesticides or heavy metals. Many of these interventions requiresubstantial educational efforts and lifestyle changes. They are alsointerventions that typically have to be applied to wholecommunities, rather than to individuals in a community, so that, intrials, the unit of randomization is the community or, in someinstances,…

Giovanni Cornini

What is Mescaline? Emerging Research, Risks & Side Effects SelfDecode Drugs

It is possible that because mescaline looks like naturally green button-shaped ‘seeds’, rather than a white powder, it is probably more likely for mescaline to be faked rather than cut with anything. Peyote buttons are most often chewed, but they can also be mixed with water and swallowed. Sometimes mescaline is made into a powder and put into capsules and…

Giovanni Cornini

Celebrate Your Sobriety Anniversary with a Party

Consider listing 3 to 5 things you are thankful for every night or morning, as just a few of the many reasons you are grateful for being sober that day. Reflect on your progress and the positive changes, building a habit that will contribute to your mental health and sense of accomplishment. Be sure to provide enough variety throughout the…